The Latest on the FRESH Front
COVID-19 and Food Systems Resources
March 2020
We’re seeing the very best of so many people across the world right now, as we work to halt the spread of COVID-19. Stories abound of everyday heroes, bringing groceries to those in need, performing essential duties to keep our communities running and healthy (shoutout to food workers, healthcare teams, and sanitation folks!), creating accurate and insightful content, and above all staying home for the greater good.
Photos from the 10th Circumpolar Agriculture Conference in Lapland, Finland. Clockwise from top left: a bowl of sea salt colored with crow berries at a food business incubator, results of a study on boreal/arctic agriculture research needs (Unc et al., 2019), Co-Director Rachael Miller feeds a reindeer, and a reindeer farm owner talks about the industry with visitors.
Full (Arctic) Circle and Then Some
March 2019
…..FRESH is especially excited about some of the collaborative projects/opportunities that emerged out of the 2019 Circumpolar Agriculture Conference. Here’s a brief highlight reel of what we’re working on — if you’re a circumpolar food researcher and/or practitioner, and you’d like to get involved, let us know at freshnorthproject@gmail.com!
Summertime Rewind
August 2019
……we at FRESH are taking a moment to reflect on the whirlwind summer — and we wanted to share with you some of the activities and accomplishments that we’re most proud of, say thank you to those who helped us along with way, and highlight future opportunities to engage with FRESH……
The Food Lab

