Building a Responsive Network
The FRESH network is organized under three thematic initiatives, developed to both integrate stakeholder input in the visioning phase and respond to Circumpolar food system practitioner and learner needs going forward.
1. The Food Lab: to provide infrastructure for convergent research support, economic innovation, project coordination, and dissemination of information. Our current focus is on co-organizing the June 2019 Association for the Study of Food and Society / Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (ASFS/AFHVS) conference in Anchorage; the development of an online Collaborator Catalog; and expanding a resource clearinghouse, and hosting interdisciplinary gatherings.
2. GrowU: programming to support food systems education, outreach, and diverse participation through K-12/University partnerships, interdisciplinary degree programming, and leadership training.
3. Foodpreneurship: infrastructure and activities to support food systems entrepreneurship and enterprise that is competitive, diverse, and forward-thinking with respect to economic, social, and environmental impacts.
There are many ways to get involved with FRESH, and we hope that you will join us! Want periodic updates that won’t flood your inbox? Sign up for our newsletter and listserv. Want to connect with the broader food-focused community? Add your information to the Collaborator Catalog or join a working group by emailing an inquiry to And don’t forget to follow FRESH on Instagram @freshorthenorth and Twitter @FRESHnorthAK